Why face toners are a boon for your skin?

Dermalogica India
3 min readAug 1, 2022

You’ve undoubtedly seen those small bottles filled with clear or barely tinted liquid in the skincare section of your neighbourhood store . Many people who use one don’t even understand why. We love routine, but we love sharing the best benefits of toner and what it does for your face even more.

A sneaky skincare tool is face toner. It comes in a water-based liquid form and could contain components that soothe the skin, such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and aloe. Different formulae tailored specifically for your skin type are frequently available. Your skin should be softly revived with a face toner without losing its natural moisture. Toner won’t irritate or overly dry out delicate skin as a result. Additionally, toner gets the skin ready to absorb any additional skin treatments you could use as well as your post-cleansing moisturiser.

Now, you may have seen or heard of products with “astringent” written instead of “toner” on the label. Astringent and toner are two slightly different products that are frequently confused. The primary distinction between the two is that astringents frequently contain alcohol, which is a great component for people with oily skin. Astringents are particularly effective at assisting with oil control.

How facial toner works and why it’s worth using

What is a face toner? Does it actually have any effect?

To summarise, toners are often made to reduce the visibility of pores by temporarily tightening skin, and eliminating oil and dirt naturally.

Facial toner works by temporarily reducing pore visibility and producing a smoother-looking complexion.

Toners also make skin more resistant to environmental stresses and aid in cleaning dirt, oils, and impurities from the skin more effectively than cleanser alone.

A face toner can frequently be the secret to a glowing, more rested appearance.

Benefits of face toners

Face toners are excellent for minimising pores and other scars and making the face look smooth. Additionally, it is their job to effectively remove all the oil, grime, and pollutants by natural means. On any type of skin, they increase the effectiveness of hydration lotions and moisturisers. Here are some key advantages of including a high-quality face toner in your skincare regimen.

  • Clearing the skin from dirt

Face washing with soap or face wash does not guarantee that your skin is free of pollutants of all kinds. Even after pouring a bucket of water over your face, small pores can hold microscopic amounts of debris. Instead, a face toner may readily remove that debris from the top layer of your skin by entering those pores and opening them up.

  • It makes the pores look smaller

The wide-open pores on the skin are mostly to blame for the abnormalities on the skin’s surface. Face toners can temporarily close pores and remove dirt from them to make them appear smaller. The appearance of the skin is improved by closed pores.

  • Face toner can tighten the skin

Face toners are used to tighten the skin and make it look younger. They will maintain the ideal pH balance of your skin, and the required benefits on your skin will appear quickly. Although it is not a long-term fix for ageing skin, consistent application will prevent the problem from growing worse.

  • It helps to keep the skin refreshed

A face toner’s main function is to clean the face of any filth, and it also contains substances that are good for reviving the skin. One of them is moisturising, or preparing the skin to benefit more from moisturisers. This gives the skin more room to breathe, unwind, and maintain its freshness.



Dermalogica India

Dermalogica was founded by a skin therapist, so we know how to create custom skin care solutions that work – not just today, but for life.